Edward Okuń. Travel in Art. Art in Travel l Time of Art

  • adults
  • seniors
  • teenagers
  • knowledge
Rzeszowskie Piwnice

Edward Okuń. Travel in Art. Art in Travel

  • February 4 at 6:00 PM in Rzeszowskie Piwnice
  • tickets: one lecture PLN 30 / pass (6 meetings) PLN 150
  • for whom: youth, adults, seniors
  • accessibility: no architectural barriers, elevator on the left side of the entrance door

We invite you to the second part of the "Time of Art" series, during which we will travel in time and space to discover fascinating, diverse faces of art. During the meetings, we will explore the stories of Polish artists whose work was inspired by travel, discover traces of exotic Japan in Polish art and look at the works of such figures as Frida Kahlo and Józef Mehoffer. There will also be an exploration of monumental works of academism and the genius of Michelangelo. Each meeting is a unique opportunity not only to get to know the works of art, but also to understand the context of their creation, learn about creative techniques and discover interesting facts about the artists and their times. The meetings will be led by experts in art history.

The lecture will be devoted to the life and work of Edward Okuń, whose works were often inspired by his numerous travels around Europe. The lecture will discuss both the symbolism of travel in his art and the influence of the places he visited on the form and content of his painting. Listeners will be able to learn how Okuń used his experiences from his stay in Italy and Croatia to create works with rich ornamentation and an atmospheric atmosphere, combining motifs of the European landscape and culture with the artist's personal vision. The lecture will be led by art historian Karolina Greś.

Karolina Greś - art historian, lecturer, educator. Ambassador of the National Museum in Warsaw. Runs Jasny Obraz - a profile on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok, where she talks about art. She collaborates with, among others, the Hestia Artistic Journey Foundation, the Museum of Warsaw and the "Niezła Sztuka" portal.

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