Participation in the conference "Building Bridges, Creating Change: the Power of Youth Volunteering"


On 3-6 February, a six-person delegation from Poland, including two employees of Estrada Rzeszowska, participated in the conference "Building Bridges, Creating Change: the Power of Youth Volunteering" in Paris, dedicated to the development of national and international volunteering. It was an incredibly inspiring experience for us.

For two days, over 150 representatives of youth and volunteering organizations from all over Europe discussed how volunteering strengthens communities and what systemic support tools can be created in the European Union. The event included both important conclusions on the impact of volunteering in the EU on local communities and key political debates on the future of youth engagement. Experts, decision-makers and young leaders of change exchanged experiences, analyzing how volunteering can support solidarity, sustainable development and integration.

We would like to thank the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, SALTO European Solidarity Corps and Agence Erasmus+ France Jeunesse & Sport for the invitation.
More information about the conference here.