Let's Act Culture and Inclusion grant program


We are announcing recruitment for the LET'C ACT CULTURE AND INCLUSION grant program!

The aim of the project is to support Rzeszów's cultural activities promoting cultural diversity, social unity and tolerance. Various cultural initiatives will receive grants, and the inclusion of refugees in these projects will encourage building bridges between different communities and supporting the integration process. The project aims to raise awarness about cultural diversity among the residents of Rzeszów and promote tolerance and understanding for various social groups, including refugees. Moreover, raising awareness and tolerance can be achieved through active promotion of projects involving the local community in activities related to cultural diversity and social integration. The project provides for co-financing of 5 initiatives.

Initiatives that can be implemented as part of the Competition include:

  • workshops,
  • concerts,
  • meetings,
  • exhibitions,
  • lectures,
  • training,
  • happenings,
  • and other.

We accept applications from May 13 to June 2. Below is the competition documentation:

1. Statute
2. Application form

Organizers: UNHCR, Estrada Rzeszowska, Rzeszowski Inkubator Kultury