Rzeszów – Candidate for the European Volunteering Capital 2026



European Volunteering Capital is a prestigious title awarded by the European Volunteer Centre (CEV) since 2013. CEV is a network of over 60 organizations involved in volunteering. Cities that have received this title so far include Barcelona, Lisbon, London, Sligo, Aarhus, Košice, Padua, Berlin, Gdańsk, and Trondheim. This year, the European Volunteering Capital is Trento, Italy, and next year, the title will go to Mechelen, Belgium.
The presentations of the candidate cities, which include Ballina, Maia, and Rzeszów, took place on September 10, 2024, in Brussels. The application forms, videos, and presentations were evaluated by an international jury composed of key figures associated with volunteering, representing civil society, the private sector, and European Union institutions.


Photo description: The photo shows Kamil Czyż, Director of the Department of City Branding, Economic Cooperation, and Tourism of Rzeszów City Hall, receiving the candidate certificate from Gabriella Civico, Director of the Centre of European Volunteering, at the House of Eastern Poland in Brussels.

The winner will be announced on November 29, 2024, in Trento.

More information at European Volunteer Centre website.



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