"TYPOS MONOS - reflection of memories"

  • adults
  • seniors
  • teenagers
  • other
  • exhibitions
Kino za Rogiem Café

We cordially invite you to participate in the second part of the artistic project "TYPOS MONOS - reflection of memories"
(TYPOS - Greek "print", MONOS - "one")

This project explores the theme of HOME (family, generational memory, culture, body as a home for the soul, etc.) and encourages us to search for the unique meaning of these symbols for each of us. It touches on the topic of preserving memories in objects and works, as well as their reproduction from these objects, both in the intergenerational context and in reflection on immortality. The leading technique of artistic expression in the project is MONOTYPE, whose one-time nature perfectly reflects the idea of ​​a personal reflection of memory.

The project will include monotype workshops (28.09.2024 - link to the event), followed by a thematic exhibition, during which works by Joanna and Karolina will be presented, as well as works by workshop participants. The exhibition will open with a vernissage.

About the exhibition:
Opening: 04.10 / 6:00 PM
Exhibition duration: 04.10 - 31.10
This is a thematic exhibition exploring the concept of HOME, expressed in various artistic disciplines, presenting the works of Aśka and Karolina, as well as works created during workshops.
The opening of the exhibition will be enhanced by a short musical improvisation performed by Maciek Kostecki.
Participation in all events is free of charge.

*The initiative is carried out as part of the "DziałajMy" grant competition, run by the Rzeszów Culture Incubator operating within the structure of Estrada Rzeszowska.

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