OMASTA concert

  • adults
  • teenagers
  • concert
Rzeszowskie Piwnice


  • November 7, 7:30 PM (entrance 7:00 PM), Rzeszowskie Piwnice
  • tickets: PLN 30

Omasta is one of the most interesting young bands on the Polish music scene.

Their music, rooted in street and jazz culture, boldly explores new sounds while respecting the legacy of musical legends. Their unique approach and authenticity have earned the band recognition from both audiences and critics, and their dynamic development heralds a promising future on the international stage.

After their debut at Paul’s Boutique in Krakow, Omasta was invited to play before Slum Village and at the prestigious Gent Jazz Festival in Belgium. The band is currently working intensively on new original material, which will be released by Astigmatic Records.

Band members:

Paweł Kowalik - Trumpet

Antoni Blumhoff - Flute, soprano saxophone

Bruno Sikorski - Piano

Wojciech Roman - Bass guitar

Nikodem Wikieł - Drums

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