Gray Hour. Time for New Architecture l Author's Meeting with Filip Springer

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Rzeszowskie Piwnice

The Grey Hour. Time for New Architecture - Author's Meeting with Filip Springer

  • October 29, 7:00 p.m., Rzeszowskie Piwnice
  • free participation

Karakter Publishing House and Rzeszowskie Piwnice invite you to a discussion devoted to the book "The Grey Hour. Time for a New Architecture" by Filip Springer. The meeting with the Author will be led by Adam Głaczyński.

"Sometimes I wonder how it happened that we talk so much about air travel, clothing chains, plastic straws and electric cars, and so little about buildings. It would be enough to say that the carbon footprint resulting from the construction, use and possible dismantling of buildings constitutes about 40 percent of global emissions," writes Filip Springer in his latest reportage-essay book. It is time to ask the question about how architecture should change in the face of an ecological catastrophe.

Should we still build at all? What kind of future are contemporary architects designing for us? What place should the environment occupy in design? Do we have the right to risk the future of our children in the interests of our own comfort? Finally: who does architecture serve?

Springer examines the practices of architects and urban planners, both those that arouse astonishment with their shortsightedness and innovative solutions that allow us to believe that a different, more world- and environment-friendly architecture is possible. And it checks whether even cautious but sensible visions of new architecture have a chance to break through in a world that is constantly chasing profit and growth.

About the Author...

Reporter and photographer. Author of books on space and architecture. Scholarship holder of the National Center for Culture and the Ryszard Kapuściński "Herodot" Foundation. Nominated for the most important literary awards in the country. His books have been translated into English, German, Russian and Hungarian.

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