Concert of the band Niechęć

  • adults
  • seniors
  • teenagers
  • concert
Rzeszowskie Piwnice


  • April 4, 8:00 PM, Rzeszowskie Piwnice
  • Tickets at the price of PLN 50 (1st batch), PLN 60 (2nd batch), PLN 70 (3rd batch) available online or at the Rzeszowskie Piwnice box office
  • With the Rzeszowskie Karta Mieszkańca - 10% off the purchase of a ticket STATIONARY
  • No architectural barriers

Niechęć invites you to a spring concert tour, which will start immediately after the release of the new studio album and will include several clubs throughout Poland. Get ready for a ball on a sinking ship, during which you will be able to break away from the overwhelming reality for well over 2 hours. The band will play material from the premiere album, older compositions, and there will also be a few surprises.

Niechęć's music is constantly evolving along with its line-up. Still balancing between rage and melancholy, this time they have turned towards trance rhythms and synthesizer sounds, without losing their improvisational and cinematic character. The group has played over 350 concerts, including at festivals in Poland (including Open’er Festival, Tauron Nowa Muzyka) and abroad (Colours of Ostrava, Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Polish Jazz London Series). All 3 albums released so far have received very enthusiastic reviews in the media, and were also highly rated in annual summaries, including by the international community of the Rate Your Music portal.

Bandcamp Spotify Concert at Dwójka

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