The project aims to strengthen the position of the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in the Visegrad region. Through online knowledge exchange and study visit exchange, we will organize the Visegrad Art Market in Debrecen in the summer of 2025, which will be an opportunity for the joint development of CCI entities from the Visegrad countries and will showcase the importance of the sector.

Focus area/objective:

  • Culture and common identity
  • Establishing and supporting cooperation between municipalities, regions and local groups through joint cultural activities

What is the main problem that the project focuses on? What current situation does it want to change?

The cultural and creative industries (CCI) in the Visegrad countries, especially outside the capital cities, are often fragmented, isolated from international cooperation and development opportunities. CCI entities operate mainly as self-employed or micro-enterprises, which makes it difficult for them to leave their own small market and are highly dependent on the development opportunities offered by their immediate environment. CCI entities often lack the entrepreneurial skills that allow them to develop and have difficulty finding their place in a society focused on economic development. Ernst & Young Consulting stated in the report “Rebuilding Europe – The cultural and creative economy before and after the COVID-19 crisis” that with a loss of 31% of turnover, the cultural and creative industry (CCI) is one of the hardest hit by the COVID pandemic in Europe. The problem is similar in all Visegrad countries, except that the Czech Republic is at the forefront, perhaps due to its geographical location. We believe that it is in the common interest of the Visegrad region that the other three countries catch up with the Czech CCI sector.

How does the project contribute to the solution?

Given the real problem, we consider it particularly important to support the CCI sector in building macro-regional contacts and giving them the opportunity to present their activities at a joint event, the Visegrad Art Market. We believe that the key to sustainable development of the CCI sector is the diversification of revenues, increasing international visibility and improving cooperation potential. The solution we propose is a comprehensive approach, which is not only the organization of a large macro-regional event (Visegrad Art Market), but also a comprehensive solution to the complex problem described above. By bringing together three partners, we want to facilitate the exchange of experiences that will highlight specific gaps in skills and/or resources in the CCI sector. Study visits will provide mutual understanding of the local specificities of Rzeszow (Poland), Košice (Slovakia) and Debrecen (Hungary) and the current challenges faced by CCI entities. In response to this, we will organize webinars in English that will enable competence development of entities in the existing network of partners. Finally, as a traveling event, we would like to organize the Visegrad Art Market for the first time in Debrecen, with the aim of organizing it in the other two partner cities.


SIXAGON Non-profit LLc - SIXAGON Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary, Debrecen)

The main objective of the non-profit organization is to contribute to the sustainable development of culture at the national and regional level. SIXAGON maintains its existing international relations and cooperation, which it intends to further strengthen with its partners in the Visegrad region. SIXAGON has a wide network of contacts with Debrecen and regional CCI players. One of SIXAGON's important activities is consulting on sustainable development and creating strategies for the cultural sector, within which it is involved in the development and positioning of the CCI sector.


Creative Laboratory Civic Association - Občianske združenie Kreatívne laboratórium (Slovakia, Košice)

Creative Laboratory is one of the most important entities in the creative industry in Košice, which is in constant contact with creative artists from the region through the regular organization of the creative industry fair MAME Market. We are at the initial stage of cooperation, but the commitment to a long-term, strategic partnership is very strong. Creative Laboratory primarily adds its own professional network, market experience and in-depth knowledge of the problems of creative industry entities to the project.


Estrada Rzeszowska, Rzeszow Culture Incubator (Poland, Rzeszow)

Rzeszow Culture Incubator has extensive experience in organizing workshops, trainings and professional events. One of the main goals of the Polish partner is to mentor young creators and provide a new generation of cultural and creative industries. Rzeszow Culture Incubator is committed to promoting sustainable development.


Target groups:

  • CCI actors in Debrecen, Košice and Rzeszow
  • V4 decision-makers
  • Sustainability managers

Project coordination: Brigitta Papp, brigitta@sixagon.hu
Project communication: Eszter Miklós, eszter@sixagon.hu

The project is co-financed by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through the Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to promote ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


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